Honey Show Rules



Chairperson - Mark Dean (dean4990@bellsouth.net)

  • Entry times - 5:30PM - 6:45PM October 20, 2022
  • No entries will be accepted after 6:45PM.
  • If you have any questions about the rules or show protocol, please contact Mark Dean via email.


Best In Show - $50 and Rosette

Black Jar - $25 and Rosette

First Place - $20 and ribbon

Second through Sixth Place - Placement card

*The Honey Show is limited to The West Georgia Beekeepers Association, Inc. dues paid membership on or before September 1, 2022.

*All honey entries must have been produced by the submitter within the last 12 calendar months. This time restriction does not apply to entries in photography, art, gadgets and crafts. All photography, art, crafts and gadget entries must be the product and work of the entrant.

*Honey with a moisture content over 18.6% will be disqualified.

*Honey Show Officials for 2022 - TBD

*All honey show officials and their family members are NOT eligible to enter the Honey Show.

The following categories will be accepted and judged at the Honey Show:


  • H1a: Light Extracted (2 jars)
  • H1b: Amber Extracted (2 jars)
  • H1c: Dark Extracted (2 jars)
  • H2: Chunk (2 jars
  • H3: Creamed (2 jars)
  • H4: Cut Comb (2 boxes)
  • H5: Section (2 containers)
  • H6: Full Frame (in free standing case)


  • F1: Honey Cake (your choice of recipe 3x5 recipe and instructions)
  • F2: Honey Confections (recipe 3x5 recipe and instructions)
  • F3: Honey Breads (3x5 card)
  • F4: Honey Condiment - Shelf stable jam, chutney, syrup, etc. (3x5 recipe)


  • W1: Beeswax Block (Single molded piece 1-2 lbs)
  • W2a: Candles (2) poured (Candles will be lit during judging)
  • W2b: Candles (2) dipped (Candles will be lit during judging)
  • W2c: Candles (2) molded (Candles will be lit during judging)


  • A1a: Health/Beauty Lotions and Potions
  • A1b: Household Products Lotions and Potion
  • A2: Original bee-related photography (single photo in self-standing frame or easel & 3x5 card
  • A3: Original bee-related Art item painting, sculpture & 3x5
  • A4: Craft related to beekeeping & 3x5
  • A5: Beekeeping Gadget & 3x5


  • BJ: One jar of at least 4 ounces of honey. This class will be judged by those attending

*Exhibitors may enter in any or all classes but may enter only once per class. The same jars of honey cannot be entered in both the black jar class and another extracted honey class.

*All honey entries must have been produced by the submitter and within the last 12 months. This time restriction does not apply to entries in beeswax, photography, art and gadgets. All wax block, candles, photography, art and gadget entries must be the product or work of the entrant.

*Only one black jar honey is required.

*Submit extracted honey in standard one pound queen-line jars; either plastic or glass is acceptable. Tamper-proof seals are not acceptable and should be removed prior to submitting your honey for judging.

*Submit chunk honey in standard one-pound chunk honey jars with wide mouth and straight sides. Insert only one piece of comb in jar.

*Beeswax entries must be pure beeswax. Dyes, added fragrances, glitter or paints are not acceptable. Candle wicks and wick retainers are permitted.

*Do not label products in any way. An identifying code sticker will be assigned to your entry at registration. (Painters tape will be used to hide any name on the exhibit.)

*Judging criteria are selected at the discretion of Judge and the decision of the judge is final.

Rules for Individual Classes:

H1: Extracted Honey

Extracted honey is judged in three sub classes (a) light, (b) amber, (c) dark. Entrants may submit one entry in each of these three classes. One entry of extracted honey is defined as two (2) one pound queen line jars. Closures may be of metal or plastic. There shall be no labels on the jars. Judges evaluate entries on the following: Cleanliness of the jar and lid, correct fill level (to the top of the continual fill line), uniformity of the two jars that comprise an entry, cleanliness and clarity of the honey, moisture content (only if needed) and the aroma and flavor (for off aromas and off flavors i.e. Windex)

H2: Chunk Honey

One entry of chunk honey is defined as two (2) one-pound jars. Chunk honey must be displayed in straight sided glass wide mouth jars with one piece lids. The glass should not be embossed. Such jars are available from many commercial beekeeping suppliers. Only one chunk of comb should be in each jar for competition. The chunk should be clean and uniform. The chunk comb should be cut and sized to approximately fit the container. The honey should fill the rest of the jar to the appropriate fill line. The comb should be oriented in the container as found naturally in the hive. Comb with watery cappings should be avoided. The comb should extend the length of the jar. The chunk of comb should account for at least fifty percent (50%) of the internal volume of the jar. Comb is judged for equal amounts on either side of the center rib. Judges evaluate entries on the following: The criteria stated above for judging extracted honey applies to judging Chunk Honey as well.

H3: Creamed Honey

An entry of creamed honey is two (2) wide mouth, one pound jars and filled to the continual fill line). Creamed honey must be displayed in clear straight-sided glass jars with one piece lids. Judges evaluate entries on the following: Creamed honey is judged on the fineness of crystals, uniformity and firmness of product, cleanliness and freedom from foam or from added flavors, striation of colors.

H4: Cut-Comb Honey

An entry of cut-comb honey is two (2) boxes. The boxes must be transparent on all sides made for displaying cut comb. Each section should weigh a minimum of 12 ounces. The chunk of comb must be in one piece, with a straight mid rib and of uniform thickness. Comb with watery cappings should be avoided. The cuts should be clean and uniform. There should be no leaking of honey from comb into the box. Judges evaluate entries on the following: Uniformity of appearance, freedom from granulation, pollen and brood. Weight should be uniform for each section. Total weight of the entry (2 sections) may be used as a tiebreaker.

H5: Sectional Honey

An entry of section comb honey is two (2) sections. Ross rounds and square section entries must be displayed in the original square or circular section. Sections must be in clear plastic box made for the display of their respective style of section comb honey. Each section should weigh a minimum of 12 ounces. Judges evaluate entries on the following : Uniformity of appearance and color (including the honey in the comb) cleanliness, absence of uncapped or leaking cells, no "wet" cell appearance, freedom from granulation and pollen, and uniform weight of each section. Total weight of the entire entry (2 sections) may be used as a tiebreaker.

H6: Full Frame Comb Honey

An entry of full frame comb honey is one (1) frame of capped honey. Frames suitable for extraction must be shown in a protective casing without lacing or edging and both sides of the comb should be visible. Frames must be 100% capped. Judging: Full frame comb honey are not judged for flavor, unless fermentation is apparent. Judging criteria are uniformity of appearance and color (including the honey in the comb) cleanliness, absence of uncapped or leaking cells, no "wet" cell appearance, freedom from granulation and pollen and symmetry throughout the frame. Total weight of the entire entry may be used as a tiebreaker. (The frame is considered a serving plate and should be clean.)

W1: Beeswax Block

An entry consist of one (1) block of pure beeswax. The block must weigh between one to two pounds, no more and should have thickness of greater than 1.5 inches. The beeswax should be clean and free of impurities. The block should be smooth-surfaced and free of blemishes, decorations or embellishments. Preferable color should be lemon yellow with a pleasant fragrance. The beeswax must have been produced from the Exhibitor's Apiary. The block should be submitted on a plain white paper plate in a clear zip-top bag or in a protective display case. The case must be easily accessible. The case will not be judged.

Beeswax Candles

W2a: Candles (poured)  W2b: Candles (dipped)  W3c: (molded)

The beeswax should be clean and free of impurities. Preferable color of the beeswax should be lemon yellow with a pleasant fragrance. An entry for Molded Tapers is defined as two (2) candles. Molded Tapers must have flat finished bases with wicks well centered. The minimum length of all taper candles is eight (8) inches. Wicks must be trimmed to one-half inch in length. An entry of Dipped Tapers is two (2) candle sets still connected or four (4) candles. Dipped tapers should have the last drip left on, the wicks must be left joined. Minimum length is eight (8) inches. An entry for Molded Ornamental is two (2) candles. Wicks must be trimmed to one-half inch. The form must have a flat finished base with wicks well centered. Molded Ornamental candles will be judged on the above criteria as well as casting flaws and sharpness of detail. One of the candles in each entry will be lighted. All candles must be presented in a free-standing, fire-proof base or candle holder. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein: cleanliness; color; aroma (for off aromas); and uniformity. The beeswax must have been produced from the Exhibitor's Apiary.

A1a: Health and Beauty Lotions and Potions

An entry consists of one example of any health, bath or beauty product of their own creation, not otherwise encompassed in another class in this show. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey, beeswax, and/or propolis produced by the Exhibitor. Entries are to be presented in a re-seal-able container appropriate to the item. Entries should not be less than one ounce (1 oz.), nor more than eight ounces (8 oz) in weight. All entries will be sampled. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, texture, aroma, tactile feel, functionality and originality. A 3x5 card with a description of the item and recipe (including all ingredients & procedure) must accompany each exhibit. The Secretary will provide each exhibitor identifying labels to be affixed to the exhibit. The Exhibitor shall place one label on the front of the container (center bottom) and the second label on the 3x5 card.

A1b: Household Lotions and Potions

An Exhibitor may submit one example of any cleaner, polish, tincture, compound or concoction of their own creation, not otherwise encompassed in another class in this show. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey, beeswax, and/or propolis produced by the Exhibitor. Entries are to be presented in a re-seal-able container appropriate to the item. Entries should not be less than one ounce (1oz.) nor more than eight ounces (8oz). All entries will be sampled. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, texture, aroma, tactile feel, functionality and originality. A 3x5 card with a description of the item and the recipe (including all ingredients & procedure) must accompany each exhibit. The Secretary will provide each exhibitor identifying labels to be affixed to the exhibit. The Exhibitor shall place one label on the front of the container (center bottom) and the second label on the 3x5 card.

A2: Original Beekeeping Photography

Photography entries must be a single photo related to beekeeping. Multiple photographs in a single frame are not permitted. They must be in a self-standing frame or use an easel, along with a 3x5 card giving the title and a brief story behind the photograph. They will be evaluated on subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity and originality.

A3: Beekeeping Related Art

An entry is one item. A painting must be displayed on easel or be free standing. Stained Glass must be displayed free standing or on an easel. Sculpture should be free standing. All art items must have a 3x5 card giving a title and a brief story describing the piece.

A4: Crafts Related to Beekeeping

Each member may enter one craft item of their own making. A 3x5 card on which a brief description of the craft is written must accompany each entry. No name should appear on the card or item. An example could be fabric art i.e. quilt, apron, place mats, honey room apron, pottery, wood carving, welding, etc.

A5: Beekeeping Gadget

An entry is a mechanical or electrical device or tool to be used in any aspect of beekeeping and the exhibitors own creation. It will be evaluated on craftsmanship, ingenuity, functionality, creativity and originality. A 3x5 card must accompany with a description of item and its operation and how it pertains to beekeeping.

F1: Honey Cake (recipe of your choice with 3x5 card of recipe and instructions)

Exhibitor may submit one example of a cake baked by the Exhibitor. An entry consists of one (1) standard size cake, or two (2) cupcakes. Cakes may be, but not required to be, iced or glazed. The recipe for the entry must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. Entries are to be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard white cardboard cake box. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity , moistness, texture, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product and originality.

*A 3x5 card with a description of the item and recipe (including all ingredients and instructions must accompany each entry. No name should appear on the card, box or plate.

F2: Honey Confections

A confection is any pastry, pie, tart, petit four, candy, chocolate or other food or confection not otherwise encompassed in another class in this show. The Exhibitor may submit one example of confection prepared by the Exhibitor. An entry Consists of two (2) to six (6) servings. The recipe entry must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. Entries are to be presented on a plain white plate, enclosed in a zip-type plastic bag. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, moistness, texture, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product and originality.

*A 3x5 card with a description of the item and the recipe (including all ingredient andinstruction must accompany each entry. No name should appear on the card or plate.

F3: Honey Breads

The Exhibitor may submit one example of a bread baked by the Exhibitor. An entry consist of one (1) standard size loaf, or two (2) rolls, biscuits, muffins or mini-loaves. The recipe for the entry must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. Entries are to be presented on a plain white paper plate enclosed in a zip-type plastic bag. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, moistness, texture, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product and originality.

*A 3x5 card with a description of the item and the recipe (including all ingredients & instructions must accompany each entry. No name should appear on the card or plate.) If your bread does not fit in a one or two gallon zip-lock bag, use any thing that can be resealed.

F4: Honey Condiment

A Honey Condiment is defined as any shelf-stable jam, jelly, chutney, syrup, spreads, bar-b-q sauce made with honey in your choice of glass container. Judging criteria will be flavor, aroma and appearance. A 3x5 card with recipe, ingredients, and instruction must accompany entry. No name should appear on card or container.

**BJ: Black Jar - One 4 to 8 ounce jar required.

NOTE: This class will be judged by those attending the Honey show and Bee Meeting. The judging will be a blind taste test and vote for the winner of Black Jar.