News Letters
The Bizz on the Buzz
The Bizz on the Buzz, July 24, 2016 Volume 1, Number 3
Our next meeting is Monday, July 25th at the Douglasville American Legion. The mentor session will be by John McDaniel on Varroa Mites at 6:30PM. There will also be some “Make it/Take it” items. The meeting will start at 7:00PM and our program speaker is Buster Lane.
Wow, the bee yard is really sizzling, just in case you didn't get the memo. We have had over forty days of 90 plus and above 100 with the heat index. Your bees are melting in this heat! Make sure that they have a close and ample water source available to them as that is about the only way they can keep the hive cool enough to continue raising brood and keeping the wax from melting. They also need a method of ventilation. As for you, the beekeeper, make sure that you hydrate yourself and keep your cool. The early morning seems to be about the best time to work your bees. If you are working an out yard, make sure someone knows that you working in the bee yard and where you are. Hopefully, you can take your cell phone with you and it will work in the location. Take water with you and use it. It doesn't take long to get in trouble with the heat.
I still have hives to harvest honey from. Our nectar flow is pretty much gone except for a few random blossoms so keep an eye out for robbing. If you are feeding any of your hives/nucs, it might be a good idea to feed them inside each hive with a division board feeder or jars on the inside or using jars on a migratory cover. During late July and all of August , Yellow Jackets seem to reach critical mass. Protect your hives from them and hornets. There will be a “Make it/Take it” during the Mentor session to help with these carnivores.
The University of West Georgia Apiary is alive and well. On July 9th, we held a Harvesting Workshop. We were taught what to take from the hive, what to leave and why. We were taught seven different ways to uncap frames and everybody tried the different methods and then we extracted the honey. We had a good crowd and all had a good time.
This is a good time to remind everybody to get ready for our annual Honey Show, October 24th. Earl Cosgrove will have show jars available at the meeting. It takes three jars in each category for an entry – light, amber and dark for strained honey. Photography, lotions, potions, candles, wax, art, crafts and gadgets are just a few things you can get ready. And of course, Black Jar is something each and every one of you can enter.
See you in the bee yard,Marilynn Parker
West Georgia Beekeepers Association
This month’s speaker will be Buster Lane on Feeding the Bees. Mentoring at 6:30 pm and the meeting following at 7:00 pm.
CALL TO ORDER – Marilynn Parker, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The scripture for the evening was Proverbs 16: 11; A just weight and balance are the Lords. All weights of the bag are His work. People are not to think that business is outside God’s Law. God has commanded there also all that belongs to truth and right.
OPPORTUNITY DONATIONS – Marilynn urged everyone to please purchase their tickets from Earl Cosgrove. The new name for the raffle will be a donation opportunity ticket. Next month will be the quarterly donation opportunity, which will be an uncapping tank.
MINUTES FOR APRIL - Marilynn stated that the minutes were emailed to all the members in the Newsletter. Sarah Ingman made the motion to accept the minutes as printed and Broderick Peters seconded the motion. Motion carried.
RECOGNITION OF THE GUESTS – In the absence of Vice President, Merry Cagle, Marilynn introduced the guests: Max Schram, Ruben and Helen Vanegas.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Connie Christensen, Treasurer, was at the present time at the Hospital ER with her husband who was sting by a honey bee and had a bad reaction.
REPORT OF COMMITTEES – Marilynn stated that the Association had three Certified Master Beekeepers; John McDaniel, Earl and Betty Cosgrove, 1 Journeyman; Jan Sprayberry, and 1 Master beekeeper; Marilynn Parker. Marilynn stated that if anyone would like to take the test that Alabama would be again testing in February. The current members are busy working on their next level. The Workshops at the University of West Ga. are going strong. There are now 15 hives, which started with 8 packages and 2 nucs, and 2 that were over wintered. You can only go when Marilynn holds a workshop. The web site is really looking good. If you have not seen it lately, please take a look. Jan Sprayberry is doing a wonderful job. Hospitality committee tonight is Sarah Ingman, Marilynn Parker, Jan Sprayberry and Betty Cosgrove. Thanks for the wonderful refreshments. Program Chairman, Russ King announced that the Picnic was postponed until June 25th due to complications. The program for tonight will be a panel discussion and answer time. Shirt and hat report – Most of the shirts are sold and we will place another order in August for long sleeves and winter items. Audit committee, Sarah Ingman reporting for Beth Ayres, stated that the committee consisting of Beth Ayres, Sarah Ingman and John McDaniel reviewed all the records and found all the records to be in good order.
OLD BUSINESS – Marilynn is making the Association a banner for us to use at the different booths and the Christmas parade.
NEW BUSINESS – The picnic will be on June 25th from 11 am till 1 pm. It will be at the Triple Creek Nursery located on Banks Mill Road, Winston, GA.
PROGRAM – Russ called up Marilynn Parker, Damon Sticher, John McDaniel, Jan Sprayberry and Russ for a panel discussion. The members asked questions from the panel.
MAY DONATION DRAWING – A 10 frame deep super – David Todd; a 10 frame medium super – Marilynn Parker; a 10 frame screened inner cover – Kindra Parson; 12 plastic bottles – Shanon Brown; and an a uncapping scratcher – Lynda Shaw.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Total attendance was 28. We had 25 members and 3 guests.
Betty Cosgrove, Secretary.
Marilynn Parker, President, called the meeting to order at 11:30 am. Marilynn quoted “WE ARE IN GOD’S WORLD”.
Russ King reported that he would be putting another shirt order together in August for long sleeves and winter related shirts. He will start taking orders with the money in advance at the August meeting.
Betty Cosgrove has put together a Tri-Fold about the Association. The information is on the Web Site.
Marilynn warned the members to please look under the hive for spiders and etc. before putting your hand under the hive.
Marilynn stated that the next workshop will be on honey extracting. She thanked Winkie for letting the Association have their annual picnic again at the Triple Creek Nursery. The plants will be on sale after the meeting.
Ralph Aiken will be talking about how the clean your smoker.
Steve Ayres will be in charge of the Smoker Contest.
The Smoker Contest had 10 entries. The winners are as follows: Broderick Peters, 1st place; Jan Sprayberry, 2nd place; and Marilynn Parker, 3rd place. Congratulations to the winners.
Raffle drawing winners: Crescent Beckwith, honey bucket; Ralph Aiken, uncapping scratcher; Ralph Aiken, bucket opener; David Mace, honey filters; Jan Sprayberry, screened inner cover. The quarterly drawing was won by Betty Cosgrove, uncapping tank.
Betty Cosgrove, Secretary
A Publication of the West Georgia Beekeepers Association January 23, 2016 Volume 1, Number 2;
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I trust that all is well in your bee yards. My bees are so confused. Do they start Spring duties or is Winter really coming. In any event, mine are being fed, brood is filling up the frames, pollen is coming in and we still don't have winter. The weather man says snow is coming, we will see. If that does happen, brush or sweep it away from the exits, just in case.
Our next meeting is Monday, January 25th. The mentoring session begins at 6:30PM and the regular meeting begins at 7:00PM. Our program for January is winter feeding methods by Dan Scales, commercial beekeeper. I am looking forward to learning how to make fondant!
We have our first workshop planned form 6PM to 9PM on Tuesday, January 26th. We will be building equipment such as new hive bodies, frames and anything else you might want to bring to put together.
Come and join us for fun and work.
Our Short Course is planned for March 5th and volunteers are needed. This is a fun event and the life blood of our association.
See ya in the bee yard!
Marilynn Parker
West Georgia Beekeepers Assoc.
BEES !!!! BEES !!!!! BEES!!!!!!
This is a list of members who will be selling bees:
Allen Bradd ~ 770-310-3733 or
Sam Elrod ~ 678-523-7053 or
Buster Lane ~ 770-389-0721 or
Marilynn Parker ~ 770-949-6640 or
Place your orders now before all the bees are gone. People order early so DON'T BE LATE.
The WINNER of the Logo contest was Russ King. The winning logo can be found on the front of this Newsletter. CONGRATULATIONS. Now we are looking for the best price for some tee shirts, polo shirts and hats for our members to purchase with the new logo.
Every year we have to pay our dues for the coming year. The deadline was December 31, 2015 so now the dues will be $15 for a single member or $20 for a family membership (those living in the same household). Please see Connie Christenson at the January Meeting and pay if you have not already done so.
Please mark your calendars with the following upcoming events.
January 25 - Monthly Meeting
January 25 - Tuesday - FIRST WORKSHOP - Equipment building 6 - 9 pm
February 22 - Monthly Meeting
March 5 - Saturday - 8 am - 4 pm - West Georgia Beekeepers Short Course
March 28 - Monthly Meeting
April 25 - Monthly Meeting
May 21 - Saturday - West Georgia Beekeepers PICNIC
June 27 - Monthly Meeting
July 25 - Monthly Meeting
August 22 - Monthly Meeting
September 26 - Monthly Meeting
October 24 - Monthly Meeting & HONEY SHOW
November 28 - Monthly Meeting December - Christmas Party - TBA
Russ King has excepted the job of finding our speakers for the year. If you are asked WHAT ARE SOME OF THE PROGRAMS YOU WOULD LIKE TO HEAR, please help with ideals so he can fill out the calendar for the year. January's speaker will be Dan Scales "WINTER FEEDING". February's speaker will be Steve Page "Coweta Beekeeping Method, sustainable beekeeping". Watch the newsletter for more information about our speakers for the coming months.
Congratulations to Betty Cosgrove upon winning the Beekeeper of the Year Award. Betty has put in countless hours in getting West Georgia Beekeepers Association to what it is today. Betty has worked tiredlessly with our President Marilynn Parker and the Board in getting this Association going. Thank you Betty for your dedicated time and efforts.
Our first workshop will be Tuesday, January 26 from 6 - 9 pm at the American Legion. Please plan to attend and bring your supplies (wood supers or frames, nails, foundation) or what you would like to work on with the rest of the members. This will be a time for the new members who need help to get advice from the other members. Oh! And you will also need tools. Some of the members , I am sure will be willing to help.
Marilynn Parker, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Marilynn read from Proverbs 25:27, "It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is it glory to search out one's own glory."
RAFFLE TICKETS are for sale from Earl Cosgrove for $1 each. Reminder that the final quarterly prize drawing will be held at the Christmas Party. Don't forget to purchase your tickets now and at each meeting.
WELCOME TO MEMBERS AND GUESTS to our meeting. Marilynn Parker recognized Charles Beavers as a new member.
MINUTES FROM THE OCTOBER MEETING were written by Connie Christenson, subbing for Betty Cosgrove. " Thank you Connie for your help." Sarah Ingram made the motion to accept the minutes as printed with a second by Corey Poole.
Marilynn took this moment to remind everyone to please sign in. She stated that this was a legal document and a record for further reporting. It was noted that last month some of the members did not sign in.
TREASURER'S REPORT by Connie Christenson, Treasurer, was not available. Connie stated that she would email them to Betty Cosgrove.
REPORT OF COMMITTEES - The Honey Show was a great success. Marilynn stated that the West Georgia Beekeepers Association had around 18 members participating with entries. Marilynn thanked Mary Cahill-Roberts for judging and Betty Cosgrove and Jan Sprayberry for helping as Honey Show secretaries. Web Master Jan Sprayberry has the web up and running. Thank you Jan. Hospitality Committee tonight was Corey Poole, Kathryn Chase and Beth Ayres, Chairman. Thank you so much for the delicious refreshments. Program - December will be the Christmas Party January 2016, speaker will be Dan Scales - Winter Feeding
Marilynn Parker recognized Jan Sprayberry for receiving her Certified Alabama Apprentice. The State Conference's for Alabama will be in February and for Georgia also in February. Congratulations to Jan for achieving this honor.
OLD BUSINESS - The Vote for the New Budget - Betty Cosgrove made the motion to approve the Budget as printed and Beth Ayres seconded the motion. It was then open for discussion with a question about the line item for Training supplies and what that would involve. Marilynn explained that it was for any expenses that could occur for any of the projects on the weekends and also for Speakers asking for gas money to come speak at our meetings. Betty Cosgrove made a motion to add a donation for $100 to the American Legion for the use of their building for our meetings. Steve Ayres seconded the motion and it was passed by voice vote. The first motion to accept the budget as amended passed.
The vote on the Logo was postponed until the Christmas Party where we would have a larger attendance. The vote for Officers as follows: Marilynn Parker, President; Merry Cagle, Vice President; Connie Christenson, Treasurer; and Betty Cosgrove, Secretary. Steve Ayres made the motion to approve with a second by John McDaniel. Motion carried.
Christmas Party will be December 7th. The Association will supply the meat which will be Ham. The Ingrams will supply the paper products. All members will bring a side dish and a dessert.
NEW BUSINESS - The Audit committee is made up of Beth Ayres, Sarah Ingram and John McDaniel. They will be doing an audit on our books.
PROGRAM - Richard Littleton presented the program on "Pests in the Hive/Varroa."
NOVEMBER RAFFLE - 25# bag of Sugar, John McDaniel; Bucket with honey gate, John McDaniel; Bottom Board, Connie Christenson; Fuel Starter, Gloria Hamby; and the bee brush, Ravenel Ingram. Congratulations to all.
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 pm.
Total attendance was 20. We had 18 members present with 1 new member and 1 guest.
Betty Cosgrove, Secretary.
Marilynn Parker, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. The meeting was dispensed of because of the Christmas Party.
LOGO CONTEST - The ballots were counted by Jan McDaniel and Gloria Hamby. The winner of the Logo Contest was Russ King. Russ King will get a price quote for hats and shirts with our Logo on them.
BEEKEEPER OF THE YEAR - Marilynn Parker presented the Beekeeper of the Year to Betty Cosgrove for all the hard work she has done for the Association in 2015.
RAFFLE PRIZES - Honey scraper, Ravenel Ingram; Bucket opener, David Mace; Frame holder, Chuck Mills; Queen excluder, Earl Cosgrove. THE QUARTELY PRIZES - $100, Earl Cosgrove; $100, Lee Mills; $100, Lee Mills. Congratulations to all the winners.
Total attendance was 19. We had 18 members present and 1 guest.
Betty Cosgrove, Secretary.